To compute the correlation between two time series, we can use the .corr()
method of pandas.Series
To visualize the scatter plot of two time series:
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Autocorrelation function (ACF)
The autocorrelation as a function of the lag. It equals one at lag-zero.
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To compute a single lag-N autocorrelation, we can also use the .autocorr(lag=N)
method of pandas.Series
- Strong stationarity: joint distribution of the observations is time-invariant.
- Weak stationarity: mean, variance and autocorrelation of the observations are time-invariant. For autocorrelation, $\text{corr}(X_t, X_{t-\tau})$ is only a function of $\tau$, not $t$.
- Weak stationarity is easier to test than strong stationarity.
- If a process is not stationary, it becomes difficult to model. Modeling involves estimating a set of parameters. If a process is not stationary and the parameters are different at each point in time, then there are too many parameters to estimate (maybe more parameters than data).
- A random walk is a common type of non-stationary series, its variance grows with time. Seasonal series are also non-stationary, for example, its mean varies with time. A white noise series with varying mean is non-stationary.
- A white noise series (with constant mean and variance) is stationary.
- Many non-stationary series can be made stationary through a simple transformation. For example, if we take the differences (with a lag of $1$) of a random walk series, we get a white noise series. A seasonal series can be made stationary by seasonal adjustments (taking the difference with a lag corresponding to the periodicity). Most economic data published by the government is seasonally adjusted. Sometimes, we may need more than one transformations, for a series that grows exponentially and shows a strong seasonal pattern, we can first take the log of the series to eliminate the exponential growth and then a seasonal difference. These operations often involve
, etc.
White noise
White noise is a series with:
- constant mean
- constant variance
- zero autocorrelations at all lags
- special case: if data has normal distribution, then Gaussian white noise
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Random walk
\[X_t = X_{t-1} + \epsilon_t\]In other words, the change is white noise:
\[X_t - X_{t-1} = \epsilon_t\]One cannot forecast a random walk, the best forecast for the next value is the current value.
An extension, random walk with drift:
\[X_t = \mu + X_{t-1} + \epsilon_t\] \[X_t - X_{t-1} = \mu + \epsilon_t\]Augmented Dickey-Fuller test
The Dickey-Fuller test is the following:
\[X_t = \mu + \phi X_{t-1} + \epsilon_t\]Null hypothesis: $H_0 : \phi = 1$
This is equivalent to:
\[X_t - X_{t-1} = \mu + \phi X_{t-1} + \epsilon_t\]Null hypothesis: $H_0 : \phi = 0$
If we add more lagged changes on the right hand side, it’s the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test.
The null hypothesis for both Dickey-Fuller test and Augmented Dickey-Fuller test is that the data are non-stationary.
If we use $5\%$ as the threshold, a p-value less than $5\%$ indicates that:
- we can reject the null hypothesis that the series is non-stationary with $95\%$ confidence.
- this series is stationary.
If we use $5\%$ as the threshold, a p-value larger than $5\%$ indicates that:
- we cannot reject the null hypothesis.
- this series is non-stationary.
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Autoregressive model (AR model)
AR model of order $1$, or simply AR$(1)$ model (there is only one lagged value on right hand side):
\[X_t = \mu + \phi X_{t-1} + \epsilon_t\]If AR parameter $\phi = 1$, then this is a random walk. If $\phi = 0$, then this is white noise.
In order for the process to be stable and stationary, $\phi$ has to be $- 1 < \phi < 1$.
Interpretation of AR$(1)$ parameter:
- negative $\phi$: mean reversion
- positive $\phi$: momentum.
- the autocorrelation function decays exponentially for an AR$(1)$ time series at a rate of the AR$(1)$ parameter $\phi$.
The model can be extended to include more lagged values and more $\phi$ parameters:
- AR$(1)$: $X_t = \mu + \phi_1 X_{t-1} + \epsilon_t$
- AR$(2)$: $X_t = \mu + \phi_1 X_{t-1} + \phi_2 X_{t-2} + \epsilon_t$
- etc.
To simulate AR time series, take care of the convention: we must include the zero-lag coefficient of $1$ and the sign of the other coefficients is opposite what we have been using above.
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To estimate an AR model (estimate parameters from data):
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We can do forecasting, both in-sample and out-of-sample using statsmodels
. The in-sample is a forecast of the next data point using the data up to that point, and the out-of-sample forecasts any number of data points in the future. These forecasts can be made using either the predict()
method if we want the forecasts in the form of a series of data, or using the plot_predict()
method if we want a plot of the forecasted data. We supply the starting point for forecasting and the ending point, which can be any number of data points after the data set ends. plot_predict()
also gives confidence intervals around the out-of-sample forecasts.
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To identify the order of an AR model:
- Partial autocorrelation function (PACF) meansures the incremental benefit of adding another lag. Each coefficient of PACF represents how significant adding the corresponding lag when we already have all the previous lags included.
- Information criteria computes the goodness-of-fit with the estimated parameters, but apply a penalty function on the number of parameters in the model. In general, the more parameters in a model, the better the model will fit the data. But this can lead to overfitting. There are two popular information criteria:
- AIC (Akaike Information Criterion)
- BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion)
In practice, the way to use the information criteria is to fit several models, each with a different number of parameters, and choose the one with the lowest information criteria. Compared to AIC, BIC penalizes additional model orders more than AIC and so the BIC will sometimes suggest a simpler model. The AIC and BIC will often choose the same model, but when they don’t we have to make a choice. If our goal is to identify good predictive models, we should use AIC. If our goal is to identify a good explanatory model, we should use BIC.
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Moving average model (MA model)
MA model of order $1$, or simply MA$(1)$ model (there is only one lagged error on right hand side):
\[X_t = \mu + \epsilon_t + \theta \epsilon_{t-1}\]If MA parameter $\theta = 0$, then this is white noise.
MA models are stationary for all values of $\theta$.
Interpretation of MA$(1)$ parameter:
- negative $\theta$: one-period mean reversion
- positive $\theta$: one-period momentum
- one-period autocorrelation (lag-$1$ autocorrelation) is not $\theta$, it is $\frac{\theta}{1 + \theta^2}$. There is zero autocorrelation for an MA$(1)$ beyond lag-$1$.
- higher frequency stock data is well modeled by an MA$(1)$ process. For example, one day’s prices (on September 1, 2017) for Sprint stock (ticker symbol “S”) sampled at a frequency of one minute. The stock market is open for 6.5 hours (390 minutes), from 9:30am to 4:00pm. Such data can be accessed via Google Finance [3]. Stocks trade at discrete one-cent increments (although a small percentage of trades occur in between the one-cent increments) rather than at continuous prices, and when we plot the data we should observe that there are long periods when the stock bounces back and forth over a one cent range. This is sometimes referred to as “bid/ask bounce”. The bouncing of the stock price between bid and ask induces a negative first order autocorrelation, but no autocorrelations at lags higher than $1$.
The model can be extended to include more lagged errors and more $\theta$ parameters:
- MA$(1)$: $X_t = \mu + \epsilon_t + \theta_1 \epsilon_{t-1}$
- MA$(2)$: $X_t = \mu + \epsilon_t + \theta_1 \epsilon_{t-1} + \theta_2 \epsilon_{t-2}$
- etc.
An MA$(q)$ model has no autocorrelation beyond lag-$q$.
To simulate MA time series, take care of the convention: we must include the zero-lag coefficient of $1$. However, unlike with the AR simulation, we don’t need to reverse the sign of $\theta$, its sign is what we have been using above.
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To estimate an MA model (estimate parameters from data):
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Just as with AR models, we can use MA models to do forecasting, both in-sample and out-of-sample using statsmodels
. This can be done via either the predict()
method if we want the forecasts in the form of a series of data, or the plot_predict()
method if we want a plot of the forecasted data. One big difference between out-of-sample forecasts with an MA$(1)$ model and an AR$(1)$ model is that the MA$(1)$ forecasts more than one period in the future are simply the mean of the sample.
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Autoregressive moving average model (ARMA model)
An ARMA model is a combination of an AR model and an MA model.
ARMA$(1, 1)$ model:
\[X_t = \mu + \phi X_{t-1} + \epsilon_t + \theta \epsilon_{t-1}\]ARMA models are generally denoted ARMA$(p, q)$ where parameters $p$ and $q$ are non-negative integers, $p$ is the order of the AR model, $q$ is the order of the MA model.
ARMA models can be converted to pure AR or pure MA models. Here is an example of converting an AR$(1)$ model into an an MA$(\infty)$:
\[X_t = \mu + \phi X_{t-1} + \epsilon_t\] \[X_t = \mu + \phi (\mu + \phi X_{t-2} + \epsilon_{t-1}) + \epsilon_t\] \[X_t = \frac{\mu}{1-\phi} + \epsilon_t + \phi \epsilon_{t-1} + \phi^2 \epsilon_{t-2} + \phi^3 \epsilon_{t-3} + ...\]This demonstrates that an AR$(1)$ model is equivalent to an MA$(\infty)$ model with the appropriate parameters.
Using ACF and PACF to choose model order
AR$(p)$ | MA$(q)$ | ARMA$(p, q)$ | |
ACF | tails off | cuts off after lag-$q$ | tails off |
PACF | cuts off after lag-$p$ | tails off | tails off |
The time series must be made stationary before making these plots. If the ACF values are high and tail off very very slowly, this is the sign that the data is non-stationary, so it needs to be differenced. If the autocorrelation at lag-$1$ is very negative, this is the sign that we have taken the difference too many times.
In the case of ARMA$(p, q)$, we cannot deduce the model orders $p$ and $q$ from the plots. However, we can use AIC and BIC to find the most appropriate $p$ and $q$. Sometimes when searching over model orders we will attempt to fit an order that leads to an error, for example, ValueError: Non-stationary starting augoregressive parameters found with enforce_stationary set to True
. This ValueError
tells us that we have tried to fit a model which would result in a non-stationary set of AR coefficients. We can use try/except
blocks to skip this one.
Cointegration model
The idea behind cointegration (协整) is that even if the prices of two different assets both follow random walks, it is still possible that a linear combination of them is not a random walk. If that’s true, then even though these two assets are not forecastable because they are random walks, the linear combination is forecastable. We say that these two assets are cointegrated. One analogy is that a dog owner walking his dog with a retractable leash. The position of the dog owner and the position of the dog may both follow random walks, but the distance between them may very well be mean reverting. Examples can be found by looking at economic substitutes: heating oil and natural gas, platinum and palladium, corn and wheat, corn and sugar, Bitcoin and Ethereum, etc. For stocks, a natural starting point for identifying cointegrated pairs are stocks in the same industry. However competitors are not necessarily economic substitutes, think of Apple and Blackberry.
Two steps to test for cointegration:
- regress the level of one series $P_t$ on the level of the other series $Q_t$ to get the slope coefficient $c$ or the cointegration vector (coefficients of the linear combination).
- run Augmented Dickey-Fuller test on $P_t - c Q_t$ or on the residuals of the regression.
Alternatively, statsmodels
has a function coint
that combines both steps, its null hypothesis is no cointegration.
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Autoregressive integrated moving average model (ARIMA model)
An ARIMA model is a generalization of an ARMA model. ARIMA models are applied in some cases where data show evidence of non-stationarity, where an initial differencing step (corresponding to the “integrated” part of the model) can be applied one or more times to eliminate the non-stationarity.
ARIMA models are generally denoted ARIMA$(p, d, q)$ where parameters $p$, $d$, and $q$ are non-negative integers, $p$ is the order of the AR model, $d$ is the degree of differencing, $q$ is the order of the MA model.
Using the ARIMA module on a random walk series is identical to using the ARMA module on the first-order difference of that series followed by taking cumulative sums of these differences to get the original series forecast.
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In terms of forecasting, sometimes the estimate of the drift will have a much bigger impact on long range forecasts than the ARMA parameters.
ARMAX model
Exogenous ARMA that uses external variables as well as time series.
\[\text{ARMAX} = \text{ARMA} + \text{linear regression}\]ARMAX$(1, 1)$ model:
\[X_t = \mu + \phi X_{t-1} + \epsilon_t + \theta \epsilon_{t-1} + \eta Z_t\]where $Z_t$ is the exogenous input.
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Seasonal AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average with eXogenous regressors model
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For an ideal model, the residuals (difference between one-step-ahead predictions and the real values) should be uncorrelated white Gaussian noise centered on zero. We can use the plot_diagnostics()
method to evaluate this, this method generates 4 plots. The first plot is standardized residual, if our model is working correctly, there should be no obvious structure in the residuals. Another of the four plots shows the distribution of the residuals where the histogram shows the measured distribution, the orange line shows a smoothed version of this histogram and the green line shows a normal distribution. If our model is good, these two lines should be almost the same. The normal Q-Q plot is another way to show how the distribution of the model residuals compares to a normal distribution. If our residuals are normally distributed then all the points should lie along the red line, except perhaps some values at either end. The last plot is the correlogram, which is just an ACF plot of the residuals rather than the data. $95\%$ of the correlations for lag greater than zero should not be significant. If there is significant correlation in the residuals, it means that there is information in the data that our model hasn’t captured.
In the output of the summary()
method, Prob(Q)
is the p-value associated with the null hypothesis that the residuals have no correlation structure. Prob(JB)
is the p-value associated with the null hypothesis that the residuals are Gaussian normally distributed.
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For seasonal data, the full time series can be decomposed into 3 parts: the trend, the seasonal component and the residual. We can use statsmodels.tsa.seasonal.seasonal_decompose
to separate out any time series into these three components.
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We can use ACF to identify the frequency/period. In the case of a seasonal time series, the ACF will show periodic correlation pattern. To find the frequency we look for a lag greater than one, which is a peak in the ACF plot. In order to use ACF to identify the period of a non-stationary time series, it might be useful to detrend it first, we can substract long rolling average over $N$ steps. Any large window size $N$ will work for this, we could use a window size of any value bigger than the likely period.
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Fitting a SARIMA model is like fitting two different ARIMA models at once, one to the seasonal part and another to the non-seasonal part. Since we have these two models, we will have two sets of orders:
\[\text{SARIMA}(p, d, q)(P, D, Q)_S\]- Non-seasonal orders:
- $p$: autoregressive order
- $d$: differencing order
- $q$: moving average order
- Seasonal orders:
- $P$: seasonal autoregressive order
- $D$: seasonal differencing order
- $Q$: seasonal moving average order
There is also a new order $S$ which is the length of the seasonal cycle.
Comparison of ARIMA and SARIMA models:
- ARIMA$(2, 0, 1)$:
- $X_t = \mu + \phi_1 X_{t-1} + \phi_2 X_{t-2} + \epsilon_t + \theta_1 \epsilon_{t-1}$
- SARIMA$(0, 0, 0)(2, 0, 1)_{7}$:
- $X_t = \mu + \phi_7 X_{t-7} + \phi_{14} X_{t-14} + \epsilon_t + \theta_7 \epsilon_{t-7}$
The SARIMA$(0, 0, 0)(2, 0, 1)_{7}$ model will be able to capture seasonal, weekly patterns, but won’t be able to capture local, day to day patterns. If we construct a SARIMA model and include non-seasonal orders as well, then we can capture both of these patterns.
Fitting a SARIMA model:
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The value of $S$ can be found by using the ACF. The next task is to find the order of differencing. To make a time series stationary we may need to apply seasonal differencing. In seasonal differencing, instead of substracting the most recent time series value, we substract the time series value from one cycle ago.
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For example, if the time series shows a trend then we take the (normal) difference. If there is a strong seasonal cycle, then we will also take the seasonal difference. Once we have found the two orders of differencing and made the time series stationary, we need to find the other model orders. To find the non-seasonal orders, we plot the ACF and the PACF of the differenced time series. To find the seasonal orders, we plot the ACF and the PACF of the differenced time series at multiple seasonal steps, this can be done as follows:
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Here we set the lags
parameter to a list of lags instead of a maximum, this plots the ACF and PACF at these specific lags only.
Sometimes we will have the choice of whether to apply seasonal differencing, non-seasonal differencing or both to make a time series stationary. Some good rules of thumb are:
- Never use more than one order of seasonal differencing, $0 \leqslant D \leqslant 1$
- Never more than two orders of differencing in total, $0 \leqslant d + D \leqslant 2$
Sometimes we will be able to make a time series stationary by using either one seasonal differencing or one non-seasonal differencing, we might build models for each in this case and see which one makes better predictions.
A time series is said to have a weak seasonality, meaning that the seasonal oscillations don’t always look the same and are harder to identify. When we have a time series that has a strong seasonality, we should always use one order of seasonal differencing. This will ensure that the seasonal oscillation will remain in our dynamic predictions far into the future without fading out.
- Weak seasonal pattern
- Use seasonal differencing if necessary
- Strong seasonal pattern
- Always use seasonal differencing
Just like in ARIMA modeling sometimes we need to use other transformations on our time series before fitting. Whenever the seasonality is additive we should not need to apply any transforms except for differencing. Additive seasonality is where the seasonal pattern just adds or takes away a little from the trend. When seasonality is multiplicative, the SARIMA model cannot fit this without extra transforms. If the seasonality is multiplicative the amplitude of the seasonal oscillations will get larger as the data trends up or smaller as it trends down.
- Additive seasonality $=$ trend $+$ season
- Proceeds as usual with differencing
- Multiplicative seasonality $=$ trend $\times$ season
- Apply log transform first
- Apply log transform first
Searching over SARIMA model orders using for
loops may be complex, there is a package that will do most of this work for us. The auto_arima
function from this package loops over model orders to find the best one. The object returned by the function is the results object of the best model found by the search, this object is almost exactly a statsmodels
object and has the summary()
and the plot_diagnostics()
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The pmdarima
package can also be used to update the model (incorporate data we have collected since then)
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However this does not choose the model orders again, so if we are updating with a large amount of new data, it might be best to go back to the start of Box-Jenkins method.
Box-Jenkins method
From raw data $\Rightarrow$ production model:
- identification
- Determine whether it is seasonal? If so, find its seasonal period.
- Is it stationary? What (seasonal and non-seasonal) differencing will make it stationary? What transforms will make it stationary?
- What values of $p$ and $q$ are the most promising?
- Tools: plot the time series, augmented Dickey-Fuller test, ACF, PACF, etc.
- estimation
- Use the
method. - Choose between models using AIC and BIC
- Use the
- model diagnostics
- Evaluate the best fitting model
- Are the residuals uncorrelated? Are the residuals normally distributed?
- Tools:
- Is this model good enough or do we need to go back and rework it?
GARCH model
Generalized AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity model
This is a popular approach to model volatility. A common assumption in time series modeling is that volatility (standard deviation, variance) remains constant over time. However it is frequently observed in financial return data that the presence of varying volatility systematically over time, this is called heteroskedasticity.
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Machine learning for time series
Unpivot a DataFrame from wide to long format (melt):
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Adding lags as basic feature engineering:
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Time series cross validation:
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Time series feature extraction with tsfresh
is a python package which automatically calculates a large number of time series features. Further the package contains methods to evaluate the explaining power and importance of such features for regression or classification tasks.
Let’s look at one example. Suppose we have the following dataframe df
where the length of A
’s time series is 1000, the length of B
’s time series is 1200:
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can extract 756 features with version 0.15.1
. To extract all features, we do use tsfresh.extract_features()
. This function can be very time-consuming if the input’s size is large. The returned feature_matrix
has the shape:
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We end up with a DataFrame
with all possible features. Then we should:
- first, remove all
values that were created by feature calculators that cannot be used on the given data, e.g. because it has too low statistics.tsfresh.utilities.dataframe_functions.impute()
replaces allNaN
s andinf
s from the inputDataFrame
with average/extreme values from the same columns.-inf -> min
+inf -> max
NaN -> median
is in-place.
- second, select only the relevant features
checks the significance of all features (columns) with respect to target vectory
and return a possibly reduced feature matrix only containing relevant features.
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We can also perform the extraction, imputing and filtering at the same time with the tsfresh.extract_relevant_features()
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Analyzing time series motifs and anomalies with stumpy
For the stumpy
package, time series motifs are approximately repeated subsequences found within a longer time series.
compares all subsequences within a time series by computing the pairwise z-normalized Euclidean distances and then storing only the index to its nearest neighbor. This nearest neighbor distance is referred to as the matrix profile and the index to each nearest neighbor within the time series is referred to as the matrix profile index.
The global minima from the matrix profile correspond to the locations of the two subsequences that make up the motif pair. The matrix profile index also tells us which subsequence within the time series does not have nearest neighbor that resembles itself, which is referred to as a discord, novelty, or anomaly.
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The returned matrix_profile
is a numpy array
of shape (data.size, 4)
(suppose data
is 1-D). The first column consists of the matrix profile (the distance), the second column consists of the matrix profile indices, the third column consists of the left matrix profile indices, and the fourth column consists of the right matrix profile indices.
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Machine learning for audio signals
For a classification problem whose inputs are audio data (for example, heartbeat time series), one can extract summary statistics from the envelope. The envelope is obtained by smoothing the absolute value of the original centered data so that the total amount of sound energy over time is distinguishable. This is done by first applying np.abs()
to the original centered audio waveform, then by using the .rolling()
method. This is shown as follows:
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Then we can use np.mean()
, np.std()
, np.max()
, etc. to extract statistics from the obtained envelope.
The envelope calculation is also a common technique in computing tempo (每分钟节拍数,beats per minute) and rhythm (节奏,韵律) features. The tempogram (which estimates the tempo of a sound over time) can be calculated by using the librosa
Some basics of the librosa
- The sampling rate, sometimes denoted by
, is a positive integer which indicates the number of samples per second of a time series. - A frame is a short slice of a time series used for analysis purposes. This usually corresponds to a single column of a spectrogram matrix.
- A window is a vector or function used to weight samples within a frame when computing a spectrogram.
is a positive integer which indicates the number of samples in an analysis window (or frame), this can be called the frame length.hop_length
is a positive integer which indicates the number of samples between successive frames, e.g., the columns of a spectrogram.librosa.core.stft()
returns a complex-valued matrixD
such that:np.abs(D)
is the magnitudenp.angle(D)
is the phase
- Spectral centroid and spectral bandwidth are only defined with real-valued non-negative input.
magnitude, phase = librosa.magphase(D)
separates a complex-valued STFTD
into its magnitude and phase components. librosa
functions tend to only operate onnumpy
arrays instead ofDataFrames
, so we’ll accesspandas
data as anumpy
array with the.values
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and audio
are both 1-D arrays, their sizes satisfy the following relation:
Then we can extract statistics from the tempogram by using np.mean(tempo)
(the average tempo of this particular audio signal), np.std(tempo)
, np.max(tempo)
, etc.
Spectrograms (时频谱) are common in time-series analysis. By definition, the spectrogram is the squared magnitude of the short-time Fourier transform (STFT). The Fourier transform (FFT) describes, for a window of time, the presence of fast and slow oscillations in a time series. We can do the spectral feature engineering by using the spectrogram as a base. For example, we can calculate the spectral centroids and spectral bandwidth which describe where most of the spectral energy is at each moment of time. One way to do this is to use the librosa
packages (other packages can also be used, for example scipy.signal.spectrogram
). Under the assumption that the temporal features and spectral features provide independent information we can combine them to train our machine learning model.
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The obtained centroids
and bandwidths
are both 1-D arrays and their sizes satisfy the following relations:
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To use the spectral features as machine learning features, we can use np.mean(centroids)
(the average spectral centroid of this particular audio signal, which is a frequency), np.std(centroids)
, np.max(centroids)
, np.mean(bandwidths)
(the average spectral bandwidth of this particular audio signal, which is a frequency range), np.std(bandwidths)
, np.max(bandwidths)
, etc.
[1] Https:// (n.d.). Sign in. DataCamp.
[2] E. E. Holmes, M. D. Scheuerell, and E. J. Ward. (2020, February 3). 5.3 Dickey-Fuller and augmented Dickey-Fuller tests - Applied time series analysis for fisheries and environmental sciences. NWFSC Time-Series Analysis.
[3] 6 ways to download free intraday and tick data for the U.S. stock market. (n.d.). QuantShare Trading Software.
[4] Autoregressive integrated moving average. (2005, February 15). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved April 14, 2020, from
[5] Https:// (n.d.). Sign in. DataCamp.
[6] Https:// (n.d.). Sign in. DataCamp.
[7] Https:// (n.d.). Sign in. DataCamp.